Social practises

Social practices include various customs, both in everyday life and in formal contexts.

  • Fika

    8 February 2023

    The Swedish ”fika” can have multiple meanings, but it is usually associated with taking a break (e.g. from work) with one or more others, to socialis...

  • Gummekaka.

    Gummekaka (Christmas cake)

    8 February 2023

    In Torestorp and Älekulla in Västergötland, a round cake is baked on the day before Christmas Eve that is often shaped like a wreath – this is known ...

  • Bild från lajvet White Wolf’s Convention of Thorns i Polen 2017. Foto: Przemyslaw Jendroska och Maciek Nitka.

    Live action role-playing – LARPing

    8 February 2023

    LARPing or live action role-playing is a form of improvised theatre without an audience where everyone participates.

  • ”Halfvan går mina herrar”. Tuschteckning av J. J. Meijer (1833–1901) Privat ägo. Foto: Nordiska museet.

    Snapsvisor (drinking songs)

    9 February 2023

    A snapsvisa is a traditional Swedish drinking song. Drinking songs are among the oldest song genres, and are still an active tradition in Sweden.

  • Surströmming

    9 February 2023

    Surströmming is a fermented herring that used to be part of everyday Swedish cuisine. Today, it is considered a delicacy with a strong connection to ...