Knowledge of nature and the universe

This includes knowledge, skills, customs and beliefs rooted in people's relationship to nature, and our place in the universe.

  • Birch sap – tapping and preparation

    8 February 2023

    Birch sap has long been considered a healthy drink, and has been consumed in all countries where the birch tree is common. There is a growing interes...

  • Dip-net fishing tradition in the Torne Valley

    8 February 2023

    Fishing for whitefish and salmon with dip-nets is a traditional fishing method that is still being practised in the various rapids of the Torne Valle...

  • Fäbod culture

    8 February 2023

    A Fäbod can be described as a form of small-scale farm where the animals are sent to a pasture for summer grazing, consisting of a number of building...

  • Fynd i form av gamla gravar och hällristningar visar att hundar och människor levt och jagat tillsammans i tusentals år. Foto: Bror Jakobsson/Bohusläns museum (CC BY-NC-ND).

    Hunting with unleashed dogs

    2 February 2023

    Hunting with unleashed dogs has been taking place in Sweden for a very long time. That is due to the country being sparsely populated, relatively goo...

  • Knowledge on medicinal plants

    8 February 2023

    This heritage includes knowledge of the plant's healing effects and the methods to assimilate these. People have always sought relief for various ail...

  • Henrik Renberg och hans son Jan-Olof vittjar nättingredskapen i Piteälven uppströms Arnemark den 3 oktober 2013. Rottingkassarna är av samma typ som tidigare använts i Umeälven. Foto: Kjell Sjöberg.

    Lamprey fishing

    2 February 2023

    Fishing for lamprey with special basket traps is a very old tradition. Smoked and salted lampreys were being supplied to the royal court as early as ...

  • Blekinge skärgård.

    Laxsätt (salmon fishing)

    8 February 2023

    Laxsätt is type of a coastal salmon fishing with fixed gear that is conducted in the archipelago outside the mouth of the Mörrum River.

  • Nyfångad nors från Arbogaån 2016. Foto: Ingvar Svanberg.

    Smelt fishing

    9 February 2023

    Fishing for smelt is a popular activity that continues to attract interest from practitioners and spectators. Men, women, and children have historica...

  • The right of public access

    8 February 2023

    The right of public access is an old customary law dating back to the Middle Ages that governs the right to pick berries and mushrooms etc. and appli...

  • Winter swimming culture

    3 July 2024

    The tradition of swimming in cold water has a long history in Sweden and the Nordic countries. Winter swimming culture is practiced all over the coun...

  • Hommebåtar inväntar ålfiskesäsongens start i augusti. Foto: Ålakustens kulturarvsförening.


    8 February 2023

    The name Ålarvet refers to the cultural heritage that has taken shape around the fishing of eels along the east coast of Skåne, called Ålakusten.